The integration of Third Country Nationals in the Labour Market

According to the Synthesis Report of the European Migration Network, the most common obstacles of EU Member States in the integration of Third-Country Nationals relate to the accreditation of job qualifications and the assessment of their skills, tackling discrimination within the recruitment process and managing varying levels of language skills in integration measures. 

The integration of Third Country Nationals in the labour market plays a key role in their successful integration in the host country. The implementation of successful integration policies by Member States will support wider labour migration policies, including specific measures in many EU counties to attract Third-Country Nationals to help with labour shortages and skills gaps. 

Based on the aforementioned needs, the MiCare project aims to assist the integration of Third Country Nationals in the EU by focusing on the their integration in the labour market, as finding a job is fundamental to becoming part of the host country’s economic and social life.

According to the European Migration Network Synthesis Report on Satisfying Labour Demand through migration, in all Member States specific sectors and occupations have labour/skills shortages, among which lies the health care domain.

More specifically, the demands in caregivers are increasing in Europe as European societies are ageing. This imbalance between demand and supply, leads to shortages in nurses and other professional care providers. In order to achieve a better match between the skills and demands in the EU’s labour markets, the MiCare project, with the involvement of seven partners from six European Countries, will develop an intensive training program for migrants wishing to work as caregivers for elder people and people with special needs.

The training program aims in benefitting the migrant worker, facilitating the TCNs integration in the local society and the EU labour market, and the EU destination countries, as labour shortages in skilled health care workforce will be covered.

Learn more about the MiCare project: 

Read the Synthesis Report of the European Migration Network (EMN) here: