Grants and funding for Sutton Coldfield community assets


Grants from Sutton Coldfield Neighbourhood Network Scheme

Sutton Coldfield NNS is creating and supporting a network of community assets and activities in the Sutton Coldfield constituency. Our NNS is part of a citywide network commissioned by the Adult Social Care Directorate of Birmingham City Council. The aims of the NNS are to help people aged 50+ and those between the age of 18-49 who have additional needs, to lead independent, happy and healthy lives.

Community assets are individuals, groups or organisations who are doing something or delivering an activity, project or service in a neighbourhood setting which local citizens can benefit from. This can be anything from a lunch club to a line dancing class, befriending to benefits advice, or a support group or sewing club, as long as it meets at least one of our five ‘Prevention First’ outcomes:

  • Reduced social isolation
  • Healthier lifestyles
  • Maximised income
  • Living safely and independently in the home of choice
  • Carers feel more supported

As well as mapping community assets, we are also working with them to sustain and grow the activities and services they offer to Sutton Coldfield citizens in their local area. We can offer a range of support around issues such as marketing and promotion, volunteering, governance and fundraising, and we also offer a grants scheme to commission activity that:

  1. Gives greater access to relevant and diverse support in every neighbourhood utilising coproduction principles
  1. Gives access to more opportunities based on the interests and concerns of local people on the fringes of the care system
  2. Develops the skills and capacity of community assets in contributing to our 5 ‘Prevention First’ outcomes 

Our grants programme is open all year round to local organisations whose services and activities meet one or more of the 5 prevention outcomes listed above. The groups we fund must be constituted and have an organisational bank account. We expect applicant groups to evidence their policies and commitment around safeguarding, data protection, health & safety and equality. We also ask applicants to demonstrate that the local Sutton Coldfield citizens who will benefit from the proposed activities have been engaged, involved and consulted on the activities and methodologies. 

There are three main levels of funding on offer:

Up to £500 - a fast track process especially aimed at fledgling and grass roots assets trying out innovative ideas, short term events and community activities for up to 25 people.

Up to £2000 - a higher level grant towards capacity building and things like training courses or a series of activity sessions over a time period of about 6 months for between 25-50 people.

Up to £10,000 - a detailed plan for an activity lasting up to 12 months which clearly meets two or three of the prevention outcomes, benefiting between 50 - 100 people with a longer term sustainability plan.   

All projects that receive funding from NNS must commit to providing demographic monitoring information on the citizens who benefit from the activities and reports that capture the impact of the activities on their lives, which might include stories, photographs, video, art, audio interviews and other forms of expression.

Groups should apply for funding on the application form provided by contacting us on telephone or email. Our NNS networker team will give advice and guidance in the application process. Applications for up to £500 will be considered by our local team, all applications above £500 will go through a more considered assessment by our multi-agency funding panel.

In order to identify which budget the grants are paid from, we ask applicants to tell us which age group the majority of their beneficiaries fall into:

  • Prevention activities for older people (aged 50+)
  • Young people and adults with additional needs (aged 18 - 50)  

The Sutton Coldfield Neighbourhood Network Scheme is delivered in partnership between Age Concern Birmingham and Compass Support. For more information, or a conversation about how you can apply for a grant or to get involved, please contact us on 0121 362 3663 or email

If you are in Birmingham but not in Sutton Coldfield, similar financial support is available in 9 other localities of the city.

For a searchable list of community assets in Sutton Coldfield, and the wider Birmingham area, please visit: