Sutton Coldfield NNS Want Your Feedback!


The Sutton Coldfield Neighbourhood Network Scheme (NNS) are calling volunteers, carers and members of groups and activities to give their feedback on the Additional Needs Pilot.

As many will know, the NNS has been helping many groups and individuals across the city with funding, capacity building and promotion for activities aimed at people over 50. As this was proving to be hugely fruitful, in Hodge Hill and Sutton Coldfield an Additional Needs Pilot was rolled out.

Additional needs refers to anyone who needs support and assistance with things like access, communication, care needs, independent living, mobility and health, including people who identify as disabled people. The pilot has consequently been aimed at adults with additional needs between the ages of 18-49.

At the fulcrum of all the good work that the NNS has done in recent years are the local community and assets, and this is no more apparent than in the Sutton Coldfield constituency.

With the hope that the Additional Needs pilot will be extended to the other eight constituencies, the Sutton Coldfield NNS team feel it is crucial to find out from those who have received support from the scheme, or those who may receive help in the not-too-distant future.

A questionnaire, therefore, has been composed to find out more about the experiences of people with additional needs in the community and what can be offered in the future to continue what has proved to be a successful project thus far.

This includes gaps which people may find, such as a club or activity that they would like to be a part of which is currently unavailable, or if people feel the current provision for certain groups is not yet fully developed. Your views will be used to mould this citizen-driven project, as the NNS continues to work alongside other community support services.

In this questionnaire, your responses can be given in confidence. This questionnaire also includes a box at the end for you to provide, in as much detail as you like, your thoughts on anything relating to your past experiences in the community or developments that you wish to see be made in the future.

Whilst the focus is primarily on the experiences of people who live, work or attend a club in Sutton Coldfield, any feedback could also prove critical in shaping support throughout the city if, as expected, the pilot is extended beyond this constituency and Hodge Hill.

We are extremely grateful for your time and effort in filling out the questionnaire, which can be found here: