Invite to join the customer panel of Birmingham City Council

Message from Fiona Lane, Birmingham Citizen and Chair of the new Customer Panel

Volunteers Wanted!

Birmingham City Council is working to improve the experience of their customers: the people of Birmingham. They are setting up a Customer Panel that will review people’s experiences of contacting the Council, so are looking to recruit volunteers who are representative of citizens across the city. I have been asked to be the chair; I’ll be supported by council officers, and the current plan is to meet monthly if possible.

It is a priority to have our Customer Panel representative of the diverse communities of Birmingham meaningfully, so we are asking those of you who are interested in volunteering for the panel to give us your details via the link here. The closing date is Wednesday 20th July.

We aim to keep the panel both properly representative and fresh by adding and subtracting members over time; it will be one of the first tasks of the panel to decide what a sensible term of membership should be. So, if it turns out that you’re not selected for the panel right now, you may still be contacted to take a place with us in the future.

Whilst the Customer Panel is intended to have a loud voice in the Council’s ear, it is only one opportunity for you to be involved with improving Council services – for instance there is a wider citizen’s group that we contact regularly by email to keep them informed of customer programme activities. It is therefore helpful if you tell us your reasons for wanting to be involved, as we may have other opportunities for your unique contribution.  If you wish to sign up for the wider citizen panel please click this link:

If you are wondering what the customer strategy says, you can find more information here:

Further enquiries, please email: