Information, advice and support during the festive period and New Year

Many office based services close 
during the Christmas period, but we understand that people may still need support during this time.

There is a lot of support at a local and national level. Here are some
key contacts if you need information or guidance either during Christmas or in the  weeks following:

Age UK Birmingham
Information, advice and helpline services for older people (50+), their families and carers
0121 437 0479 |

Birmingham Mind
Providing advice, information and signposting for people affected by mental health issues
0121 262 3555 |

Money helper
Advice to help improve your finances
0800 138 7777 |

Stop Loan Sharks
Investigates and prosecutes illegal money lenders and provides support for borrowers
0300 555 2222 |

Information and financial support
0808 802 2000 |

Birmingham and Solihull Women’s Aid
Support for women and children affected by domestic violence and abuse
0800 800 0028 |

Housing advice 0808 800 4444 |

The Active Wellbeing Society

Listen and Connect support people to feel heard, connect with others, be active,
live well and access information
0121 728 7030 |

The Refugee and Migrant Centre
Advice on immigration, housing & destitution, welfare & health, employment &
education, resettlement and citizenship
0121 374 0140 |

Spitfire Services
Advice on money, benefit, housing and employment issues
0121 747 5932 |

Domestic Violence: Anawim

Women’s Centre in Birmingham-0800 019 8818

Men can call 01823 334244 from Monday – Friday 10am-4pm for support.

Anxiety UK: 03444 775 774 – provides advice and support for people struggling with anxiety.

Finances/Debt: National Debtline on 0808 808 4000

The Home Options Hub :women at risk of homelessness from abuse. 0121 303 7410

Mens advice line- Telephone/webchat emotional support, practical advice and information for men. 0808 801 0327