NNS Evaluation Citizen Survey

We are carrying out a piece of research to understand the influence and wider impact of the funded NNS assets, we have created a citizen survey to collect information on those using the activities, and to measure change in wellbeing since participating.  

What's in the research documents below?

Attached to this message is a document that contains:

  • A soft copy of the citizen survey
  • Information sheet.
  • QR code that takes to an electronic version of survey (mobile friendly)


Action Items - what are we asking?

  1. Please distribute this document/ attachment to all currently funded assets EXCLUDING Micro & Capacity Building grants.


  1. Ideally, we want to encourage the use of the QR code to lessen impacts on the environment and volunteer/ asset resources. However, we also want all interested citizens to have an opportunity to have their voice counted. Some ways this can be achieved:
    1. Volunteers can use personal devices (mobiles, tablets, computers) to assist citizens without access to technology. There is a check box for citizens to indicate if they required support with completing the survey.
    2. Volunteers can assist citizens on the citizen's personal device if support is needed.
    3. Hard copy of the survey can be printed and given out after the activity. These would need to be collected and scanned/ photographed and emailed back to us at: riipl.rg@gmail.com
    4. If the technology does not support QR codes, here is a link to the survey that can be shared: https://nclpsych.eu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_3VqVkuJ7gNlqdhA


  1. Please distribute to any NNS asset that has been funded and starts running between now and February (again, excluding micro and capacity building grants)


  1. Please check in with the assets periodically to encourage those with ongoing activities to collect after each event, but only new citizens should fill out the survey each time.


  1. Please feedback any issues reported with data collection to us (Nicole.adams-quackenbush@newcastle.ac.uk) and we can work with you to find solutions.


Thank you again for your support of this initiative. I look forward to working with you to evidence the good work being done.

All the best,


 Dr. Nicole Adams-Quackenbush, MSc|PhD|FHEA

Legal Psychology & Criminological Researcher

Newcastle University