What makes you happy explores the visual creation, using AI, of the ideas of what makes you happy. What makes you happy is a key element of the idea of personal ‘Safety Plans’ - a thought process to get us all out of dark moments, which we can each use to move towards a positive experience that helps us feel brighter when we are feeling down. This talk and presentation are an end-of-exhibition celebration of the creative work that has been produced by local people visiting the What makes you happy events and exhibition at the Mander’s Community Hub throughout January and February 2024. The Wolverhampton Suicide Prevention Stakeholders’ Forum Charitable Trust will be inspiring, creating images, writing and much more, to support everyone and celebrate activities which bring joy to our lives in the middle of winter.
Clare Dickens MBE - Academic Lead Mental Health and Well-being at University of Wolverhampton
Dr Paul Darke - CEO of Outside Centre (Digital Disability)
(Both trustees of the Wolverhampton Suicide Prevention Stakeholders Forum Charitable Trust).
Date: Friday 2 February, 2024
Time: 3:30pm
Venue: Wolverhampton Art Gallery
Price: Free