Improving digital inclusion and skills in the West Midlands online webinar


Improving digital inclusion and skills in the West Midlands online webinar

14 March 2024 - 12pm to 1pm

The West Midlands Combined Authority (WMCA) is creating opportunities for the public and key stakeholders across the public, private and third sectors to come together to discuss how best to improve digital inclusion and skills in the West Midlands.

Join us on this webinar where attendees will have the chance to learn, connect and help shape thinking in this very important policy area. You will

•    learn about the latest insights/findings from industry experts and thought leaders.
•    connect with others, be able to exchange ideas, potentially setting the foundation for 
      working together again in the future. 
•    help us shape future digital inclusion and skills programme delivery.

Who should attend

This event is for those who are/have:

•    developing and delivering digital inclusion and skills projects and initiatives in the
      West Midlands.
•    community organisations that are delivering services to those impacted by the cost-
      of-living crisis and/or living in poverty.
•    capturing and publishing data on poverty and the links to digital inclusion and skills.
•    lived experienced of benefitting from digital inclusion and skills projects.
•    have strong interest in the digital inclusion and skills.

Further Information

The WMCA recently updated the West Midlands Digital Roadmap, with support from its key partners which includes the seven metropolitan councils across the region. 

The updated roadmap sets out how we will work together to achieve our joint ambitions of making the region truly digitally inclusive. 

There is a specific section of the roadmap which is dedicated to preventing digital exclusion by supporting residents to have better connectivity, digital skills and access to devices and equipment.