Living Your Best Life


A series of FREE wellbeing workshops for LGBTQI+ people aged 50+

These workshops are designed with, and for, people from the LGBTQI+ community (in the West Midlands) aged 50 and over – younger people are also welcome.

There will be some places available for professionals working for health, social care, housing and related organisations. Please only apply if you can offer useful input into the discussions. Only one person per organisation will be allocated a place.

Wellbeing workshops flyer

Planning Your Fab Later Life – PLACES STILL AVAILABLE

Tuesday 12th March

A space to think about you and what you’d like to do.

Fitting Fitness Into Your Life

Tuesday 2nd April

Exercises for the reluctant and planning for the busy.

Finances for Later Life

Tuesday 23rd April

What you have, what you need and what you’re entitled to.

 A Place To Call Home in Later Life

Tuesday 7th May

Where will I live and how will I manage?

 Your Fab Funeral - Planning the End of Your Life

Tuesday 4th June             

How to plan the best party you will never attend, and all the things that go with it.

 1.30pm – 4.30pm

Birmingham LGBT Centre – Café

 To book:

Maria Hughes

0121 643 0821 or (Eventbrite)