The Communitea Café Allotment Plot

The Communitea Café Allotment Plot is a space to socialise whilst enjoying the benefits of being outdoors. It’s a tranquil spot where there is always a smile to be shared and enthusiasts wanting to share advice and tips. Participants work together towards a common goal - providing food for the Communitea Café, to be shared by the local community.

Location Sunnybank Road/Sheffield Road Allotments –The site can be accessed by pedestrians from Sunnybank Road and by car via the Sheffield Road entrance, with our plot being adjacent to the car park. There are toilet facilities on site. The project was launched in 2019. 

Our fantastic Lead Volunteer summarised her experience…

“Providing produce for the Communitea Café was very rewarding and much appreciated. Volunteers taking their fresh produce home and getting pleasure from cooking it and eating it has been a delight. The pumpkin carving family event we ran last November with our home-grown pumpkins was great fun”.

2020 brought its challenges but we used the time to carry out essential maintenance and improve accessibility.

In 2021 activity has been re-established with a weekly group and gardening activities and a gardening therapy support group for bereaved carers

If you are interested in supporting our lead volunteers, joining a communal gardening group, or want more information please get in touch.

Email - 

Phone – 0121 362 3650