Introduction to the Neighbourhood Network Scheme (NNS)

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The NNS is funded by Birmingham City Council and works closely with adult care social workers and other support agencies for older people and disabled adults. The purpose of the NNS is to develop and support a network of community groups and organisations, known as assets, to provide local prevention activities that:


·       Reduce social isolation


·       Promote healthier lifestyles


·       Maximise income of citizens


·       Support people to live safely and independently


·       Support carers to feel supported


·       Have a better experience of the social care system


There are 10 constituencies in Birmingham and each one has a Neighbourhood Network Scheme. Our NNS covers the Sutton Coldfield constituency and it is managed and delivered by a partnership between Age Concern Birmingham and Compass Support.

The NNS complements the expertise and dedication of statutory agencies such as health and social care services by developing new resources at a community level which can support citizens with the prevention needs listed above.

Our NNS is mapping the local area of Sutton Coldfield, so that we can identify the social and health care needs of our citizens aged over 18. We are also mapping the prevalence of community and voluntary sector groups (known as assets) so that we can identify the gaps and develop a network of assets to meet local needs.

The NNS can support community assets with capacity building support and grants.


If you would like to find out more about the work of Sutton Coldfield Neighbourhood Network Scheme, please get in contact with us:


Facebook:                      Sutton Coldfield NNS    

Telephone number:      0121 362 3663

Email Address: