New ways of supporting citizens in Birmingham and the role of NNS

NNS Factsheet 2


Prevention First Outcomes

The NNS is funded by Birmingham City Council’s Adult Social Care Directorate to deliver services around the city’s Prevention First Outcomes. These outcomes include things like reducing the demand for social care services, working with citizens to identify what’s strong in their neighbourhood and bringing about positive changes to the attitudes and participation of local people.

Please see our Factsheet 1 for a list of the six Prevention First Outcomes which are aimed directly at supporting older people and disabled adults. If you are considering approaching the NNS for support or grant funding, please look at these outcomes and consider whether your activity meets one or more of them.

Three Conversation Model

Birmingham City Council has introduced an innovative approach to delivering support from social workers called the Three Conversation Model. The idea is to reduce the need for every single person who contacts Social Services having to have a complex assessment. Firstly, the citizen has a Level 1 conversation and the social worker tries to identify whether they can be supported at a local level by friends, family or by community assets. The Level 2 conversation may involve more direct support from the social workers about how the citizen can be made safe which may also involve support at a local level. Finally, the Level 3 conversation is for more complex needs and in-depth planning with personal budget allocation.

The role of NNS is mainly to support citizens and social workers at the Level 1 and Level 2 conversation levels, helping to find community sector organisations, local groups, resources, and volunteer-based services to engage and support the citizen within the Prevention First Outcome framework. A strong emphasis is helping citizens to take control of their own life and make connections with prevention support at a local level.

If you identify as a community asset which provides Prevention First services and resources in Sutton Coldfield then we’d like to hear from you as you may benefit from grants and other support.   

Asset Based Community Development

The ABCD approach is a dynamic process which enhances local communities to collectively support their citizens by using their local resources effectively, by working together in a cooperative way, by functioning in a bottom-up way involving everyone’s voice and by constantly evaluating what works and what needs to change.

The NNS aims to be a leading partner in growing the ABCD approach in Sutton Coldfield and developing connections between the community and the statutory agencies and  strategic partners, but we can’t do it without your involvement and continued commitment. It is important for assets to consider how your project fits into this framework before applying for funds. Please get in touch to become part of the NNS network in Sutton Coldfield.

If you would like to find out more about the work of Sutton Coldfield                 Neighbourhood Network Scheme, please get in contact with us:


Facebook: Sutton Coldfield NNS

Telephone number: 0121 362 3663

Email Address: