Locality Partnership Working - Citizen Panel on Wednesday 14th June via Zoom

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BVSC are supporting a citizen panel to hear from people on how things are working in different parts of Birmingham around locality partnership working - i.e. between health, care and community partners. It is part of a review taking place by the Birmingham & Solihull Integrated Care system with the Local Government Association.

The panel will be taking place virtually on Wednesday 14th June from 10.30am - 12pm, via Zoom (joining details will be sent before the meeting).

Please can you share details within your organisations and communities.  To register a place, please sign up via Eventbrite below:


I have also included the text below on Eventbrite for further information:

The Birmingham and Solihull Integrated Care System, with the support of the Local Government Association, is undertaking a review of locality partnership working in Birmingham.

Partnership working between health, care and community partners takes place across the city every day, with clinicians, professionals and citizens working together to provide a range of services in each Birmingham locality.

In some areas of the city these partnerships are managed in a formal way, whilst in other places, organisations and individuals develop their own working relationships to improve outcomes for local communities.


Citizen Panel

By getting feedback from local citizens on how things are working in different parts of Birmingham, health, care, and community partners will be able to work together more effectively, to ensure that each locality in the city has an active partnership which is improving health outcomes for local people.

A citizen panel event will be taking place on Wednesday 14th June, 10:30am – 12pm. Representatives from Birmingham City Council, the NHS and BVSC will be seeking your input, to help the Local Government conduct this important review.