Invitation to Birmingham City Council Section 114: Voluntary, Community, Faith & Social Enterprise (VCFSE) Sector Briefing

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We are pleased to invite you to attend a Birmingham City Council Section 114: Voluntary, Community, Faith & Social Enterprise  (VCFSE) Sector Briefing.

Please also feel free to circulate this invitation amongst your networks as it is open to all from the VCFSE sector.

  • What does Section 114 mean for Birmingham’s Voluntary, Community, Faith and Social Enterprise sector?

 Come along to an online briefing on Thursday 8 February, 1pm – 2.30pm

 Hear from Council and VCFSE leaders and have your say


Birmingham City Council issued a Section 114 notice on 5 September 2023 due to financial challenges.

The notice was issued because the City Council cannot balance its 2024/ 2025 budget.

Section 114 bans all Council spending apart from essential spend, protecting: vulnerable people, statutory services and pre-existing commitments.

What does Section 114 mean for Birmingham’s Voluntary, Community, Faith and Social Enterprise sector?

Come along to an online briefing on Thursday 8 February, 1pm – 2.30pm to find out.

This is an opportunity for you to hear from Council and VCFSE leaders and have your say.


  • Councillor John Cotton, Leader, Birmingham City Council
  • Professor Graeme Betts CBE, Strategic Director- Adult Social Care
  • Brian Carr, Chief Executive, BVSC (Birmingham Voluntary Service Council)
  • Stephen Raybould, Director of Programmes, BVSC (Birmingham Voluntary Service Council)

 Draft Agenda:

 The draft agenda is still subject to change however this may include:

 Welcome & Introductions by Chair – Brian Carr, Chief Executive, BVSC

  • Birmingham City Council & Section 114 - Councillor John Cotton, Leader, Birmingham City Council
  • Birmingham City Council & Section 114 – Adult Social Care Perspective – Professor Graeme Betts, CBE, Strategic Director, Adult Social Care, Birmingham City Council
  • BVSC and VCFSE Response – Brian Carr, Chief Executive, BVSC; Stephen Raybould, Director of Programmes, BVSC
  • Panel Questions & Answers – Your opportunity to ask speakers questions
  • Summary & Thanks from Chair. Councillor Cotton and Professor Betts leave the meeting
  • Private VCFSE Sector Discussion – Thoughts from the room following presentations
  • Next Steps from Chair – Brian Carr, Chief Executive, BVSC

Sign Up:

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Further Information: