Targeted help and self-management programme from Versus Arthritis


Our new Self-Management programme (posters above) is due to start at Wyndley Leisure Centre on Tuesday February 6th, 10:30 – 12:30 and running on consecutive Tuesdays for 5 weeks ending on Tuesday March 5th 2024.

The programme is free and is open to anyone diagnosed with arthritis and who wants to be able to manage their arthritis alongside medical care.

We discuss goal setting to support eating better, activity and exercise, communication with medical professionals / family / friends / employers and ways to manage pain more effectively.

The programme is a gentle way to ease you into living better with your condition and is run by people who have arthritis so understand exactly how you feel.

We are Versus Arthritis:

There are over 10 million people living with arthritis. That’s one in six, with over half of those living in pain every single day. The impact is huge as the condition slowly intrudes on everyday life – affecting the ability to work, care for a family, to move free from pain and to live independently. Yet arthritis is often dismissed as an inevitable part of ageing or shrugged off as ‘just a bit of arthritis’ and some are told ‘ you’re a bit young to have arthritis’. We don’t think that this is OK. Versus Arthritis is here to change that.

If you want to know more about the work we do or if you think we can work with you on a project, please get in touch by reply of this email. Our services are free and are used to help people live better with their arthritis



Joy Rawlinson

Regional Officer Midlands and North England


01246 541118


07760 617758



We are Versus Arthritis. Arthritis Care and Arthritis Research UK have come together to do more for people with arthritis. Find out more at

You can read our Privacy Notice here

​Versus Arthritis

​Patron: The former Duchess of Cornwall
​A Company limited by guarantee no. 490500
Registered Charity in England and Wales 207711, Scotland SC041156
Registered Office: Copeman House, St Mary’s Court, St Mary’s Gate, Chesterfield S41 7TD