Derek Bardowell and Andrew Day at Stratford Literary Festival

Derek Bardowell and Andrew Day

The Volunteer Economy - how and why volunteering is vital to society
Volunteering in the UK contributes an estimated £4b to the country's GDP, and those who give their time and expertise free of charge might be doing anything from working at food banks to chairing the board of trustees of leading charities with multi-million pound turnovers. Why do we do it? Is it unique to the UK, and what are the risks you run and the responsibilities you take on when you give your time to a cause? Derek Bardowell is the author of Giving Back: How To Do Good, Better and was responsible for managing portfolios that distributed over £150 million to good causes in 34 countries. Andrew Day advises organisations on fundraising and is a Councillor.

Wednesday 1 May 2024 2:00pm-3:00pm


£11 students


or call the box office on0333 666 3366