Birmingham Carers Partnership Strategy Consultation

The Birmingham Carers Partnership Strategy is open for consultation until 10
th April 2024. If you are an unpaid Carer, please take time to share your views. This will help to ensure the Strategy is able to reflect Carers needs. Carers make a critical and often under-appreciated contribution, not only to loved ones, neighbours and friends, but to the sustainability of the health and social care system.   

Initial consultation during Carers Week with Carers led to the development of the eight Carers Commitments in the Strategy. The commitments will be the basis for the joint action plan to be delivered in partnership across Birmingham. 

The Birmingham’s Carers Partnership Strategy’s been developed by a range of partners including Integrated Care Board (ICB), Birmingham City Council, Birmingham Children’s Trust, providers, and voluntary and community sector colleagues. It represents Birmingham’s vision and continuing commitment to Carers, alongside a commitment to partnership working. 

Your views are important to make sure this strategy includes what is important to Carers in Birmingham.  Feedback will shape the final commitments and help to develop a partnership action plan to support carers across the City. 

Please click on this link to access the online questionnaire